Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Over At...

Girls Who Wear Pearls

I am trying to integrate the 2 blogs, but having way more trouble than can be reasonable. So, for the time being I'm giving up on this one since more people visit that web address any ways.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Pick Of The Day

Today's pick comes to you from J.Crew

I know we are not supposed to be shopping right now, but I can still look at the goods for later...

I have really been wanting a pair of Oxfords, but I have also really been wanting a new pair of ballet flats.  These Oxford Ballet Flats seemed like the perfect combination!  Looking forward to these shoes after the 30 for 30  challenge!  :o)

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

6 of 30: Monday...

Where it Came From:
Jacket: Some leather store in Rome, Italy
Sweater: Gap
Jeans: Gap
Boots: Nordstroms

My dog Maggie likes being in my pictures.  She can't help but try and be the center of attention.  Plus, I take quite a few pictures of her and my other dog Sadie, so any time there is a camera out, she thinks she is supposed to be in the picture.

Today was a windy day.  The leather jacket felt appropriate.  I haven't worn it in a while, so I was happy to sport it today.

I have decided that I really need a better camera.  My husband broke the good one on our honeymoon and I haven't bought a new one since then.  I have been using a really old camera of his from around his freshman year in college!  I'm on the hunt.  Let me know if anyone out there has a good camera that they are wanting to get rid of.  I have also decided that Elizabeth and I are going to have to get together more often to take pictures of each other because my husband does not want to cooperate.  He acts like his life is ending when I ask him to take a picture of my outfit for the day (which is usually why I only post two pictures).  I promise this isn't complain about your husband day.  It just looks like it.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Look where we found one of our post:

Facebook: The Pink Hanger

Yes, we are friends...but I didn't tell her to post this to their facebook wall.  lol  It makes me happy that they would post our little blog to their wall for others to read.  Helps get the word out their for us and for them, I suppose.  ;o)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

Day 5 of 30: Super Bowl Sunday!

Where it Came From:
Top: Banana Republic
Skirt: Talbot's
Leggings: Target
Shoes: Bandolinos

Well this is obviously not my Super Bowl Sunday attire, but it is Super Bowl Sunday today, so it seemed like a good caption.  This is actually what I wore to church and lunch.  The husband and I tried out a new church today.  We have only been living here for a few months and just haven't really had the time to find a church we like. Today was our first attempt though.  So far, so good.

I'm glad my Nana (actually my husband's Nana, but I like to claim her) talked me into this skirt.  It has come in pretty handy and I usually get compliments on it when I where it.  I like the skirt because of it's ruffles and the belt.  You can do away with the belt or tie pretty bows with it.  The skirt has really become a versatile piece in my wardrobe (which is one of the reason's why I chose it in my 30 for 30).  So you should look forward to seeing other outfits with it!  ;o)

I'm going to get ready for the bowl game now!  Later gators!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

Day 4 of 30: School Day (On a Saturday?)

Where it Came From:
Top: Express
Cardigan: Gap
Pants: Gap
Shoes: Bandolinos

I am currently in the process of getting my teaching certificate.  We have classes at least one Saturday out of every month that we must attend.  Starts at 8:30 AM and goes until 3:30 PM.  It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to drive an hour and half to get there.  Blah.  After graduating from college, I decided that I wanted to be a teacher.  My original plan was to become a Physician Assistant, but I decided to go with something I had always thought about doing instead.  I'll keep you posted on how it all turns out.  I may decide to go back to school after I try the teaching thing out.  We will see.  We have to dress "professional" for every class, so this is my professional look for today.

When I got home from class today, I immediately had my husband snap a few pics and then I changed clothes so that we could take the pups to go play ball.  We have all had a little cabin fever since the weather has been so cold and icy lately.  Here are a couple of snap shots I took with my iPhone the other day of them playing.

Free and Happy
I love those two girls!  I don't know what I would do without them.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

3rd Times a Charm!

Captain Morgan Pose?

Where it Came From:
Top: Gap
Sweater: Gap
Jeans: Gap
Boots: Etienne Aigner, Alexis (mother in law's closet)
Coat: Grandmother's

I was so upset when I woke up this morning to no snow.  Only ice.  Not cool.  The weather team really talked up the whole "Arctic Blast" thing.  Grr...

Any who, love this outfit (and Gap, apparently).  Very comfy.  I told you guys I would post a picture of the fur today, so here it is!  I love it and it has kept me very warm today.  I noticed all the other women at the grocery store were in their furs today too.  Probably the only chance we will really get to wear them here in South Texas.  

I'm going to snuggle up next to my husband with a bowl of gumbo next to the fire now.  Chow!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

A Touch of Red: 3 of 30

Where it came from:
Skirt - Express
Belt - Ross
Tights - Target
Shirt - Forever 21
Shoes - Ross
Cardigan - Banana Republic

It's still cold, and tomorrow is only supposed to be colder. However, tomorrow is Friday and I am going to celebrate with my best friend! I can not wait! We are going to be celebrating her 23rd birthday along with her dogs 1st. Yeah, we're those people. It will be fun though!

Tonight is wings and wine, and a hot bath that will maybe thaw out my frozen bones. This is outfit 3 of 30 and I'm sick of work wear. I want to play with my weekend outfits. All in good time though.

Well I have to go take care of some wings and wine. Have a great night folks.

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

Day 2 of 30

Like my Blue Steel look?

Where it Came From:
Top: Gap
Cardigan: Gap
Jeans: Gap (noticing a trend?)
Boots: Corral Vintage, Cavender's (every Texas girl must own at least one pair of cowgirl boots...that's my rule anyways)
Pashmina: Some place in Dubai

I had a doctor's appointment today.  The verdict: I have an upper respiratory infection.  How joyful.  Good news is that I actually felt better this morning and felt like getting dressed.  Bad news, is that after I took my medicine, I started feeling ill again.  Weird?  However, I was complemented on my fur coat by the doctor and my boots by her nurse.

Moving on...I really like this outfit.  I have never worn this cardigan with this top.  I don't know why.  They looks fabulous with each other!  I am also wearing my VSA necklace today.  :o)  There is something you should know about me...I love pashminas.  They can go with just about any attire.  I felt like the bright pink added some zest to the outfit today.

I got to wear my fur coat out today!!  It ended up being colder then yesterday.  I was super excited because it never really gets colds enough to wear fur here in South Texas.  The fur coat was once my grandmothers.  I got it for Christmas this past year with my name sewn on the inside.  Of course, my grandmothers name is still on the inside of the coat too.  I like it that way.  I think of her every time I wear it.  I guess I should post a picture of the coat since I am talking about it.  But I have already changed into my comfy clothes for today.  :o/  I will try and take a picture with it on tomorrow.

On a completely different note...has anyone heard of the Dougie Dance?  I have heard the song before, but I didn't actually know there was a dance.  I was watching Regis and Kelly this morning and Justin Bieber taught them how to "Dougie."  Watch this clip: 
Dougie Dance

I found it pretty entertaining.  I think Kelly Ripa has some moves on me.  I tried (secretly of course) to do this dance.  I'll save my Dougie Dancing moves for home entertainment instead of Internet entertainment.  Apparently, there are all kinds of different ways to do this dance.  I will just stick with Justin Bieber's wheelchair move though.  ;o)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

1st of 30

Where is came from:
Shirt: Target
Sweater: Gap
Jeans: Gap
Boots: Nordstroms (do not know the brand)
Jacket: The Pink Hanger

It was SO cold today!  Well, cold for South Texas.  I think it was about 30 degrees outside when Elizabeth and I went to take our pictures.  I had like 5 other layers on underneath my picks today.  Needless to say, I chose the 4 warmest picks out of my 30.  I ran errands and cleaned house in this get up today.  On a normal (non 30 for 30) day, I would not have cleaned house in this outfit.

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

A Silver Lining In Every Cloud:2 of 30

Where it came from:
Dress - Ross
Shoes - DSW, Jessica Simpson
Tights - Target
Blazer - The Limited

I just want everyone to know that I am eating a victory cookie. Yes a victory cookie. Because for at least right now I've got this blog situation figured out. How long will it stay figured out? I don't know, but for now I'm enjoying my victory cookie.

Along with my victory cookies (yeah, I'm onto my 2nd one now) I'm watching Bram Stoker's Dracula. Which is my favorite of all the Dracula movies out there. Back before Winona was a thief, and Keanu was young(er?).  Also Gary Oldman is looking pretty good in this movie.

Any who, this out fit is number 2 in the 30. I think this challenge is going to get hard at the end but for now I'm really enjoying it and excited to see what I can come up with.

How are you coming along with the challenge?


Did you know Westley from the Princess Bride is in Dracula? I totally forgot. 

Oh. So. Impressive.

I know you are all amazed with my blog/internet prowess.

Did you buy that? No? Well good for you. I have some how managed to disable the site feed updater by looping it back to the old blog address.

What? I know. I told you. I'm impressive. So I'm trying to figure this out and if anyone has any idea how to fix this PLEASE let me know.

Here is the technical run down:
I changed the Post Feed Redirect URL to the old blog. So, now I'm at the point where I am trying to fix this. I tried to delete the link and save the setting as blank to set it back to the default. This brilliant idea did not work. Anything?

Thank you, thank you. Please hold all applause.

-Elizabeth (The Technical Genius)

Amanda's 30 for 30 Remix

Okay, I have finally chosen and taken pictures of my 30 for 30 closet remixes.  Enjoy!
4 Cardigans: Gap and White House Black Market
8 Shirts: Express, Gap, Target, Bebe, Banana Republic
2 Sweaters: Gap

2 Dresses: Karen Kane and Theme
1 Sweater Dress: Wet Seal
4 Pants: Gap and Limited
1 Skirt: Talbot's
1 Jacket/Blazer: Banana Republic
7 Pairs of Shoes: Etienne Aigner Italian Boots (Alexis), Corral Vintage, Nordstroms (don't know the brand), Sperry Top-Siders, Bandolino, Jessica Simpson, Tory Burch.

So these are my 30 for 30 picks.  It's been hard for me to get this ball rolling because it was last minute and I have been sick for the past couple of days.  I have never done a "30 for 30 Remix" so we will see how it all turns out.  I decided that coats are an accessory for me.  So if you see me putting jackets/coats on with outfits...it's an accessory.  I wasn't sure what the rule was for them.  Plus, we don't really have to wear too many coats here in Texas.  Except for maybe this week...it is FREEZING!!  Snow is in the forecast for Friday!  I hope it happens.

Can you tell I shop at Gap quite a bit?  I love Gap.  I always seem to get the best bang for my buck there and they have great sales.  I also have a shoe obsession.  It was really hard for me to narrow down my shoes.  I wanted practical shoes that I knew I would wear on a daily basis, which meant I had to cut out some of my favorite high heels.  :o/

I'm with Elizabeth...what were other remixers strategies for picking your 30 for 30?  I just pulled everything out of my closet that were my favorite things to wear and then narrowed it down from there.  I never tried on any of the outfits either.  I hope I have a good eye...

30 Pieces of Flair

Better late than never. So this is what I've picked. It feels a little like I'm a TV announcer coming back from a preview since I already showed you 4 pieces. (In my best Bob Barker voice) Come on down....

6 Shirts
Express, Dillards, Express, Express, Mod Cloth, Forever 21

4 Dresses
Ross, Francesca's, Francesca's, Banana Republic

4 Pants
The Limited, Banana Republic, Pac Sun, Banana Republic

6 Shoes
Top: Madden Girl, Balers, Ross-Jessica Simpson
Bottom: Sperry's, DSW-Jessica Simpson, Spotted Moth

5 Sweaters
Target, Target, Banana Republic, Clothing Swap, Maybe Gap?

One Blazer
The Limited

3 Skirts
The Limited, Forever 21, Express

And one more top. Banana Republic

I have finally taken pictures of my picks! Took me long enough. I know.

It is miserably cold here. I don't know what the weather is thinking. Or maybe it is getting preemptively cold for everyone who is coming down for the super bowl and thinks they will be getting warm Texas weather.

I suggest we all leave work go home and cuddle up to our hubby/fiance/boyfriends in front of a fire with hot cocoa. Ok? What do you mean you have to work? Well fine. Party pooper. 

One last note. I tried to put in a lot of pieces I wouldn't normally put together. This may come back and bite me in the tushy, but hey at least I tried. I also didn't really plan outfits. I just kind of eye balled it. Also probably going to come back to bite me. But thus is the life of a first time 30 for 30'er.

I would love to hear your strategy for picking. Veteran or rookie?


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Style Me Pretty: 30 for 30

One of Thirty 

Lumber Jack Meets Business Man

So these are 4 of my 30 items that I have yet to post, but will get to tonight or tomorrow at the latest. I promise, and I haven't let you down yet have I? Good. Today was a busy day. I'm gearing up for a big presentation at work and trying to buy a house. Which means that my 30 for 30 picks have fallen to the way side, but I made them.

Today's outfit was inspired by a lumber jack and a business man. Ok, not really. BUT, it did make me feel like that. Really today I was just going for mens wear, and I feel like I accomplished that. I even wore socks. Which, I never do. Socks are manly right?

Well I can't wait to see what everyone has in store for the 30 for 30! I'm excited to get inspiration from everyone and I bet by the end of this challenge I'll need it!

Where it came from:
Pants - Banana Republic
Shirt - Dillards
Blazer - The Limited
Shoes - DSW, Jessica Simpson
Belt - gift