Wednesday, February 2, 2011

30 Pieces of Flair

Better late than never. So this is what I've picked. It feels a little like I'm a TV announcer coming back from a preview since I already showed you 4 pieces. (In my best Bob Barker voice) Come on down....

6 Shirts
Express, Dillards, Express, Express, Mod Cloth, Forever 21

4 Dresses
Ross, Francesca's, Francesca's, Banana Republic

4 Pants
The Limited, Banana Republic, Pac Sun, Banana Republic

6 Shoes
Top: Madden Girl, Balers, Ross-Jessica Simpson
Bottom: Sperry's, DSW-Jessica Simpson, Spotted Moth

5 Sweaters
Target, Target, Banana Republic, Clothing Swap, Maybe Gap?

One Blazer
The Limited

3 Skirts
The Limited, Forever 21, Express

And one more top. Banana Republic

I have finally taken pictures of my picks! Took me long enough. I know.

It is miserably cold here. I don't know what the weather is thinking. Or maybe it is getting preemptively cold for everyone who is coming down for the super bowl and thinks they will be getting warm Texas weather.

I suggest we all leave work go home and cuddle up to our hubby/fiance/boyfriends in front of a fire with hot cocoa. Ok? What do you mean you have to work? Well fine. Party pooper. 

One last note. I tried to put in a lot of pieces I wouldn't normally put together. This may come back and bite me in the tushy, but hey at least I tried. I also didn't really plan outfits. I just kind of eye balled it. Also probably going to come back to bite me. But thus is the life of a first time 30 for 30'er.

I would love to hear your strategy for picking. Veteran or rookie?



  1. Lol@30 pieces of flair. Office Space is such a good movie. Best of luck! Can't wait to see how you remix that brown printed dress!

    Melanie@Unravelled Threads
    Follow @UnraveldThreads on twitter!

  2. I can't wait to see how she remixes the brown printed dress too, Melanie!

