Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just For Funz

So these are just some of the dresses that I tried on.

 This dress is actually supposed to be tea length, but I'm just that short. Oh yeah.

What is wrong with my hand?

 Almost the one!

I was very fortunate that only one of the bridal shops that I went to wouldn't let me take pictures of the dresses. This has been one of the best filters for me. I am realizing even with my everyday clothing that when you take pictures you get the full feel of the outfit. Not just the one staring back at you in the mirror.

The picture principal holds true to especially the last dress. We got to the store this was the first dress I put on, and my mum took a picture and then my camera died. So, I didn't get to see the pictures. I thought this dress was the one. In the store I loved it. I was running around finding veils, shoes and everything else that I might need. Then when I got home and looked at the photos I really was not feeling it. I could see that it didn't flatter my body like I remembered it had in the store.

Then I went to another bridal shop to try the dress on again, and unknowingly found the dress I really do love and feel like the bride in. I didn't intend to love the dress I found. I was just going through the motions, but it blew the other dress out of the water. The only pictures that exist of this dress are on my mother-in-laws phone and those photos look so much more flattering than any of the pictures that were taken with my camera.

Moral of the story...TAKE PICTURES! Also sleep on it. It is so easy to get caught up in the fun of trying on dresses, and picking a dress that is just better than what you had on and not the dress that makes you feel the best.

All in all I have had a blast trying on dresses. Its been fun to share this with my mum and B's mom.

1 comment:

  1. I love wedding dresses! They all look great, I can't even pick a favorite. I saw you're doing the 30x30, I am too, my first time! Hopefully it'll be fun!

